MONICA is for you, me and all of us and we invite you to use our results in several ways:
Replicate our solutions
The Replication Reference Book provides a comprehensive and guiding overview of all the MONICA solutions and the technical, business, regulatory and human aspects inherent in replicating the IoT technologies.
Develop new smart city applications
In the Software Development Toolbox you can find enablers, tools as well as tutorials and guidelines to develop new smart city solutions.
Grow your business
Are you a startup or innovator? Get your business started by visiting our online presentations on Entrepreneurship Business Development and Marketing. If you a European SME or startup working with IoT technologies, you can join the IoT Next Club to explore opportunities with other market makers.
Use our knowledge resources
You can also download our public deliverables for insight into technical matters, business aspects and pilot use cases or have look at our scientific publications if you are into innovative research on video and crowd analytics, adaptive sound field control, noise perception, wearables or smart cities.