The City of Torino, with its 900,000 inhabitants, is strongly committed to become a “smarter city”, fostering a sustainable, intelligent and inclusive urban growth.
Torino is now the third pole in Italy for large concerts, after Milan and Rome, but every spring and summer, the city administration has to face the unwanted emission of noise and the issues related to security arising from concerts and open-air events, thus reconciling the needs of citizens living in the vicinity of many event sites with the growing demand for music and events.

Kappa FuturFestival. Photo courtesy of Simone Arena SIMPOL-lab
The City of Torino will undertake demonstrations on two events for the MONICA project. The first one is the Kappa FuturFestival, the first Italian 100 % daytime summer festival that takes place every year with concerts and events from 12 am to 12 pm in a residential area, attracting around 20,000 people with consequent problems of crowd management and security and noise propagation.
Related article: Kappa FuturFestival – first MONICA demonstration in Torino
Related article: Estimating and controlling the sound impact of outdoor music events
The second happening is the Movida in the San Salvario District, the nightlife rapidly becoming protagonist of this city district thanks to a lot of bars, restaurants, liquor stores and multi-ethnic shops and a lively programme of events.
Movida contributed to the requalification of the district that was especially known for its drug dealers. So, it is of interest for both citizens and the public administration to find a good balance between amusement, security and quality of public spaces.
The nightlife centre is represented by Largo Saluzzo and Via Baretti, where crowds gradually occupy the public spaces and cause huge side effects: noise, traffic blockages, irregular parking, obstruction of driveways and security issues.
Related article: Managing the nightlife of Movida
Related article: A political action plan for Movida
MONICA contact person for the local press: Elena Ciarlo